Lisle Watchdog

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Run for the Lisle Library Board of Trustees - 4 Seats Up for Election in 2015

Like the Village of Lisle, the Lisle Library District likes to keep a tight reign on who is considering running for Trustee on the Lisle Library Board. In Spring 2015, four (4) of the (7) seats on the Board of Trustees are up for election for 4-year terms. A majority of the Board could potentially be replaced!

Until now, if you were interested in running for a position as an elected Trustee of the Lisle Library Board you needed to go into the Library personally to pick up a candidate packet. Your name is kept on a tracking list. The candidate packet is not available for download on the Lisle Library website.

Sounds a lot like the means used by the Village of Lisle to kept tight control on our local government for years by requiring folks to pick up candidate packets in person and SIGN a form to obtain the information.


 - Perhaps you've read about some of the tax increases and wasteful spending at the Lisle Library?

 - Perhaps you've read about some of the lack of transparency and open government issues at the Lisle Library?

 - Perhaps you are wondering why in the digital age libraries are not downsizing and consolidating (college libraries are) instead of growing, expanding and raising taxes?

 - Perhaps you've noticed how libraries have been trying to justify their existence by offering free arts & crafts classes, free meeting rooms, free everything (well, not really free, just "included" in your property tax bill)?

 - Perhaps you are concerned that the Lisle Library acquired and is holding two vacant parcels of land and there is no disclosed plan for the future use of the now tax-exempt land?


This year, Lisle Watchdog is going to make it easy for you to consider running for office at the Lisle Library without showing your cards.

Here is a link to the Lisle Library Trustee Candidate Packet which we obtained yesterday.
The Lisle Library provided it the same day we requested it.

2015 Candidate Packet - Trustee, Lisle Library District 

Petitions are due December 22, 2014 by 4PM at the Lisle Library

Tracking List 2015 Candidate Packet Trustee Lisle Library 

Incumbents (2)
 - Tom Hummel
 - Richard Flint

Potential Candidates (2)
 - Jane Doyle
 - Don Krause