Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Lisle's 2013 Property Tax Rates Increase
The tentative 2013 property tax rates imposed on home owners, businesses and other property owners within the Village of Lisle for municipal, park, fire and library services increased 7.8% leaving Lisle property owners paying significantly higher tax rates for these services than neighboring towns, according to the numbers released by the DuPage County Clerk on March 25, 2014. Lisle Township assessed property values fell approximately 3.75% on average.
Tax bills will be mailed April 30, 2014.
2013 Lisle Property Tax Rates
2013 2012 Increase Taxing Body
0.5021 0.4682 7.25% Village of Lisle
0.4339 0.4035 7.53% Lisle Library
0.8540 0.7920 7.83% Lisle Woodridge Fire Dist.
0.5290 0.4875 8.51% Lisle Park District
2.3190 2.1512 7.80% TOTAL
A Lisle property owner will pay 107% more for these services in property tax than a Naperville property owner on equal-valued property. Last year, a Lisle property owner paid 97% more than a Naperville property owner for municipal, park, library and fire services on equal-valued property.
2013 Naperville Property Tax Rates
2013 2012 Increase Taxing Body
0.5363 0.5382 -0.35% City of Naperville (includes fire)
0.2465 0.2374 3.83% Naperville Library
0.3358 0.3148 6.67% Naperville Park District
1.1186 1.0904 2.59% TOTAL
A Lisle property owner will pay 70% more for these services in property tax than a Glen Ellyn property owner on equal-valued property.
2013 Glen Ellyn Property Tax Rates
2013 2012 Increase Taxing Body
0.5635 0.5213 8.10% Village of Glen Ellyn (includes fire)
0.3547 0.3276 8.27% Glen Ellyn Library
0.0111 0.0103 7.77% Glen Ellyn Mosquito District
0.4377 0.4114 6.39% Glen Ellyn Park District
1.3670 1.2706 7.59% TOTAL
LINK: 2013 Tentative Property Tax Rate Report
Source: DuPage County Clerk
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
$11,000 Spent on Mayor Broda's Taxpayer Funded Out-of-State Trips
Since 2008, nearly $11,000 in public funds have been expended for Mayor Broda's trips to sunny locations such as Las Vegas, Orlando and Miami for US Conference of Mayors Annual Meetings where he has no voting rights. The Village of Lisle does not have a policy requiring Board approval for out-of-state travel.
Other than star-studded evening entertainment, there isn't much for a non-member mayor to do at this 4-day event in Dallas. Well, there's breakfast and lunch.. But most, if not all, of the scheduled meetings are official task force meetings and standing committee meetings and meetings where members vote; Broda is not member of the US Mayors Conference and is not on any standing committees or task forces. Broda has no voting rights at the US Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting.
Until recently, there has been no disclosure or public discussion of Broda's annual taxpayer-funded junkets.
Lisle taxpayers picked up the tab for Broda's 7-day trip to Orlando, Florida in 2012 and his 6-day trip to Miami, Florida in 2008. Taxpayers also picked up trips to Las Vegas, Nevada in 2013 and Providence, Rhode Island in 2009. All were trips to allegedly attend the US Conference of Mayors Annual Meetings.
Village of Lisle is not, and has never been, a member of the US Conference of Mayors.
Village of Lisle has not applied for, nor received, any grant funds from the US Conference of Mayors in the past 5 years according to records provided by the Village of Lisle.

Las Vegas 2013
In 2013, just 2 months after the worst flood in the history of the Village, Mayor Broda spent $3,140 in public funds for a trip to Las Vegas for the 2013 US Conference of Mayors annual meeting. Mayor Broda had no voting rights at the meeting. There are no records of the Mayor's report to the Board or to the public for this conference. There is no record of Broda's attendance at meeting workshops, standing committee meetings, task force meetings or work sessions.
Only 5 non-member municipalities in the entire United States chose to send their mayor to the USCM annual meeting in 2013 - Lisle was one of those five.
10 mayors of 1300 in the entire state of Illinois registered to attend the 2013 USCM annual meeting in Las Vegas. (53% less than 2008)
Click HERE for more info on Broda's Vegas trip.
Orlando, Florida 2012
$3, 057 in public funds were expended for Mayor Broda's trip to Orlando for the US Conference of Mayors annual meeting. Mayor Broda had no voting rights at the meeting. There are no public records of the Mayor's report to the Board for this annual meeting. There is no record of Broda's attendance at meeting workshops, standing committee meetings, task force meetings or work sessions.
17 mayors of 1300 in the entire state of Illinois registered to attend the 2012 USCM annual meeting in Orlando.
- $ 1,400 Annual Meeting Registration Fee
- $ 1,298 Hotel
- $ 359 Airfare
Baltimore, Maryland 2011
Broda did not attend the 2011 US Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Baltimore.
Broda did not attend the 2011 US Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Baltimore.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2010
Broda did not attend the 2010 US Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Oklahoma City.
Broda did not attend the 2010 US Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Oklahoma City.
Providence, Rhode Island 2009
$1,400 in public funds were expended for Mayor Broda's registration fee to attend the 2009 USCM annual meeting in Providence, RI. No records were provided by the Village that indicate who paid for the hotel and airfare for this trip. In 2009, the Village Board cut all out-of-state travel expenditures.
** Update - Records from the Illinois State Board of Elections show the following expenditures from "Citizens to Elect Joe Broda":
$249.20 United Air Lines Travel Air Fare USCM
$22.00 United Air Lines Baggage Charge USCM
$1067.85 Westin Travel Lodging USCM
14 mayors of 1300 in the entire state of Illinois registered to attend the 2009 USCM annual meeting in Providence, including Lisle Mayor Broda.
$1,400 in public funds were expended for Mayor Broda's registration fee to attend the 2009 USCM annual meeting in Providence, RI. No records were provided by the Village that indicate who paid for the hotel and airfare for this trip. In 2009, the Village Board cut all out-of-state travel expenditures.
** Update - Records from the Illinois State Board of Elections show the following expenditures from "Citizens to Elect Joe Broda":
$249.20 United Air Lines Travel Air Fare USCM
$22.00 United Air Lines Baggage Charge USCM
$1067.85 Westin Travel Lodging USCM
Was this a "political" trip or was it "official" business for the Village of Lisle?? | |||||
$2,970 in public funds were expended for Mayor Broda's trip to Miami for the US Conference of Mayors annual meeting. Mayor Broda had no voting rights at the meeting. There are no public records of the Mayor's report to the Board for this annual meeting. There is no record of Broda's attendance at meeting workshops, standing committee meetings, task force meetings or work sessions.
21 mayors of 1300 in the entire state of Illinois registered to attend the 2008 USCM annual meeting in Miami.
- $1,350 Annual Meeting Registration Fee
- $1,351 Hotel
- $ 269 Airfare
About U. S. Conference of Mayors
The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. Mayors contribute to the development of national policy by serving on one or more of the conference’s standing committees which recommend policy positions every year at the Annual Meeting they believe should be adopted by the organization. The policy positions that are adopted are then distributed to the President and Congress.
- What is public purpose and public benefit for expenditure of nearly $11,000 in public funds for Mayor Broda's out-of-state trips?
- Why is there no policy, discussion and transparency regarding the use of public funds for out-of-state meetings where the Village has no business to conduct?
- Is this a good use of pubic funds? It is fiscally responsible to spend taxpayer funds on these trips?
- Why are there no records of Mayor Broda's attendance and participation at USCM annual meetings? There is not one single memo, email, or record summarizing the sessions, workshops and committee meetings he attended?
- Why are there no reports - written or oral - presented by Mayor Broda to citizens, trustees and staff regarding the US Conference of Mayors annual meeting?
- Why isn't all this information readily available on the Village website? Why do citizens need to FOIA to obtain records of how public funds are spent?
- Should the Village of Lisle have a policy requiring Board pre-approval for all in-state and out-of-state travel (See DuPage Co Travel Policy)?
- Can Lisle improve transparency and accountability to its citizens and taxpayers?
Click HERE for copy of records regarding costs for Mayor Broda's trips to US Conference of Mayors annual meetings. Records provided by the Village of Lisle under FOIA.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Library's Future Direction - Survey or Sham? Take a Look.
If Second City were to do a comedy sketch on libraries or surveys, they would need to look no further than the Lisle Library's recent survey for inspiration.
From the initial crafting of the loaded survey questions, to the results announced before conducting the survey, to the covert collection of IP addresses, to the limited and controlled sample size, and finally, to the outright refusal to release un-redacted copies of the survey responses.
But before the survey, came the set-up.

Here's how the comedy sketch starts:
Opening scene Mayberry Library. Library staff sitting around a conference table munching on snacks paid for by the taxpayers. Employees chatting about the budget cuts and layoffs at the neighboring Mount Pilot Library. People are reading e-books and over 80% of the people in town now own their own computer. We need to think of something, anything, to keep our jobs. The library weeded out a huge portion of the print collection and the place looks empty. All this extra space. What to do? We already tried new furniture and redecorating and we still can't get enough people in here to make sure we keep our jobs.
One young librarian speaks up. Hey, how about we say that we want to convert all the space where we used have print books into FREE meeting space for the taxpayers?
A senior staffer noted that since people can download their own books, movies and music by themselves from home, we need to find some gimmicks, give-aways and promotional events to drum up some fake demand.
That's it... we will turn the library into taxpayer subsidized meeting space, maybe add a cafe, run some free park district-type programs/classes and use taxpayer money to publish some propaganda that will convince the town residents that this change is good for them. We will even make it seem like it is their idea! Awesome! Then we will tell them that we need a tax increase and more property to expand and grow into a big community meeting space.
But how do we make the taxpayers think its their idea? We need a plan.
What if we publish a few press releases about how libraries need to change and grow. If we say if often enough it will become the truth. Let's get some press about how libraries are not obsolete quiet places where people used to borrow print books and seek a quiet place to research and do homework or access the internet, but libraries are now really vibrant places where people meet and talk. Forget about meeting friends for coffee at Starbucks or getting together with your friends and their kids at the playground or a baseball game... The library is the place you wanna be. Don't forget everyone: "vibrant, vital, revitalize, connecting, evolving and big meeting space" now replaces "quiet, peaceful and books." Just string those words together into random sentences. Everyone will just read it and believe its true. Ready, set, go!
Time for "Press Release #1" Let's go with something touchy-feelly... starting with getting rid of the "quiet" and start pushing the concept of a community center. Oooh... I got it. Let's say the library connects people in the community. We need to convince those taxpayers that we are way more important than schools and churches for people to connect and meet with their neighbors. And don't forget to mention how "wonderful" the employees are so we can get a raise.
How about something vague and warm and fuzzy like this:
"One of the most important aspects of great public library service is creating opportunities to connect our community to not only our collections but to digital content, to the wonderful professionals that provide a road map for how to use it all and to each other.
Electronic Surveys
Survey # | Date | Time Started | Time Finished |
1 |
27-Aug-13 |
3:09pm |
3:12pm |
2 | 27-Aug-13 | 3:16pm | 3:18pm |
3 | 27-Aug-13 | 3:18pm | 3:19pm |
4 | 27-Aug-13 | 3:32pm | 3:37pm |
5 | 27-Aug-13 | 3:27pm | 3:51pm |
6 | 27-Aug-13 | 3:42pm | 4:50pm |
7 | 27-Aug-13 | 5:38pm | 5:41pm |
8 | 27-Aug-13 | 6:42pm | 6:48pm |
9 | 27-Aug-13 | 8:06pm | 8:13pm |
10 | 27-Aug-13 | 8:27pm | 8:30pm |
11 | 27-Aug-13 | 8:53pm | 8:57pm |
12 | 27-Aug-13 | 9:20pm | 9:26pm |
13 | 28-Aug-13 | 4:44am | 4:54am |
14 | 28-Aug-13 | 5:01am | 5:04am |
15 | 28-Aug-13 | 5:14am | 5:20am |
16 | 28-Aug-13 | 5:23am | 5:27am |
17 | 28-Aug-13 | 6:11am | 6:15am |
18 | 28-Aug-13 | 6:17am | 6:20am |
19 | 28-Aug-13 | 6:34am | 6:36am |
20 | 28-Aug-13 | 6:42am | 6:45am |
21 | 28-Aug-13 | 7:26am | 7:33am |
22 | 28-Aug-13 | 7:26am | 7:57am |
23 | 28-Aug-13 | 8:12am | 8:17am |
24 | 28-Aug-13 | 8:02am | 8:26am |
25 | 28-Aug-13 | 8:25am | 8:33am |
26 | 28-Aug-13 | 9:38am | 9:42am |
27 | 28-Aug-13 | 10:11am | 10:15am |
28 | 28-Aug-13 | 10:45am | 10:49am |
29 | 28-Aug-13 | 11:27am | 11:32am |
30 | 28-Aug-13 | 11:34am | 11:34am |
31 | 28-Aug-13 | 12:19pm | 12:28pm |
32 | 28-Aug-13 | 12:53pm | 1:04pm |
33 | 28-Aug-13 | 2:01pm | 2:05pm |
34 | 28-Aug-13 | 2:09pm | 2:29pm |
35 | 28-Aug-13 | 2:36pm | 2:40pm |
36 | 28-Aug-13 | 2:51pm | 3:01pm |
37 | 28-Aug-13 | 3:51pm | 3:59pm |
38 | 28-Aug-13 | 4:01pm | 4:11pm |
39 | 28-Aug-13 | 4:07pm | 4:22pm |
40 | 28-Aug-13 | 5:43pm | 5:49pm |
41 | 28-Aug-13 | 5:49pm | 5:54pm |
42 | 28-Aug-13 | 5:47pm | 5:54pm |
43 | 28-Aug-13 | 6:05pm | 6:11pm |
44 | 28-Aug-13 | 6:35pm | 6:47pm |
45 | 28-Aug-13 | 6:47pm | 6:50pm |
46 | 28-Aug-13 | 7:01pm | 7:04pm |
47 | 28-Aug-13 | 7:34pm | 7:45pm |
48 | 29-Aug-13 | 6:42am | 6:45am |
49 | 29-Aug-13 | 8:39am | 8:43am |
50 | 29-Aug-13 | 8:40am | 8:54am |
51 | 29-Aug-13 | 9:16am | 9:20am |
52 | 29-Aug-13 | 9:17am | 9:30am |
53 | 29-Aug-13 | 9:44am | 10:04am |
54 | 29-Aug-13 | 11:05am | 11:09am |
55 | 29-Aug-13 | 12:23pm | 12:32pm |
56 | 29-Aug-13 | 12:27pm | 1:30pm |
57 | 29-Aug-13 | 4:18pm | 4:24pm |
58 | 30-Aug-13 | 7:02am | 7:10am |
59 | 30-Aug-13 | 1:00pm | 1:12pm |
60 | 30-Aug-13 | 2:27pm | 2:31pm |
61 | 30-Aug-13 | 2:27pm | 2:31pm |
62 | 30-Aug-13 | 4:43pm | 4:48pm |
63 | 30-Aug-13 | 8:45pm | 9:00pm |
64 | 31-Aug-13 | 8:24am | 8:41am |
65 | 31-Aug-13 | 8:36am | 8:42am |
66 | 31-Aug-13 | 8:53am | 8:56am |
67 | 31-Aug-13 | 10:59am | 11:19am |
68 | 31-Aug-13 | 11:43am | 11:45am |
69 | 31-Aug-13 | 11:46am | 11:49am |
70 | 31-Aug-13 | 7:20am | 1:29pm |
71 | 1-Sep-13 | 6:49am | 6:52am |
72 | 1-Sep-13 | 7:26am | 7:31am |
73 | 2-Sep-13 | 9:37am | 9:39am |
74 | 2-Sep-13 | 2:47pm | 2:50pm |
75 | 2-Sep-13 | 6:45pm | 7:02pm |
76 | 2-Sep-13 | 9:50pm | 10:03pm |
77 | 2-Sep-13 | 9:46pm | 10:03pm |
78 | 3-Sep-13 | 5:51am | 6:16am |
79 | 3-Sep-13 | 7:42am | 8:00am |
80 | 3-Sep-13 | 10:13am | 10:35am |
81 | 3-Sep-13 | 11:00am | 11:02am |
82 | 3-Sep-13 | 1:08pm | 1:13pm |
83 | 3-Sep-13 | 5:58pm | 6:04pm |
84 | 3-Sep-13 | 6:02pm | 6:04pm |
85 | 4-Sep-13 | 10:18am | 10:21am |
86 | 4-Sep-13 | 10:18am | 10:24am |
87 | 4-Sep-13 | 6:15pm | 6:30pm |
88 | 4-Sep-13 | 9:17pm | 9:21pm |
89 | 5-Sep-13 | 7:18am | 7:26am |
90 | 5-Sep-13 | 7:25am | 7:32am |
91 | 6-Sep-13 | 11:54am | 11:59am |
92 | 6-Sep-13 | 8:13pm | 8:34pm |
93 | 7-Sep-13 | 9:09am | 9:11am |
94 | 8-Sep-13 | 7:17am | 7:24am |
95 | 8-Sep-13 | 11:16am | 11:20am |
96 | 8-Sep-13 | 6:09pm | 6:16pm |
97 | 9-Sep-13 | 8:46am | 8:48am |
98 | 9-Sep-13 | 10:16am | 10:18am |
99 | 9-Sep-13 | 1:56pm | 1:59pm |
100 | 10-Sep-13 | 7:28pm | 7:32pm |
101 | 11-Sep-13 | 7:43am | 7:48am |
102 | 11-Sep-13 | 8:10am | 8:14am |
103 | 13-Sep-13 | 7:51am | 9:19am |
104 | 13-Sep-13 | 2:17pm | 2:19pm |
105 | 15-Sep-13 | 9:17am | 9:21am |
106 | 15-Sep-13 | 7:47pm | 8:45pm |
107 | 15-Sep-13 | 10:28pm | 10:36pm |
108 | 17-Sep-13 | 11:22am | 11:30am |
109 | 17-Sep-13 | 11:58am | 12:02pm |
110 | 17-Sep-13 | 3:46pm | 3:50pm |
111 | 18-Sep-13 | 4:01pm | 4:03pm |
112 | 18-Sep-13 | 4:11pm | 4:24pm |
113 | 19-Sep-13 | 2:20pm | 2:29pm |
114 | 21-Sep-13 | 11:12am | 11:18am |
115 | 22-Sep-13 | 7:23am | 7:29am |
116 | 22-Sep-13 | 7:00pm | 7:05pm |
117 | 23-Sep-13 | 4:35pm | 4:39pm |
118 | 23-Sep-13 | 5:42pm | 5:46pm |
119 | 24-Sep-13 | 4:51pm | 5:02pm |
120 | 24-Sep-13 | 5:24pm | 5:27pm |
121 | 26-Sep-13 | 8:25am | 8:30am |
122 | 30-Sep-13 | 4:58pm | 5:18pm |
123 | 1-Oct-13 | 6:29am | 7:07am |
124 | 1-Oct-13 | 10:55am | 10:59am |
125 | 2-Oct-13 | 5:49am | 5:53am |
126 | 2-Oct-13 | 8:10am | 8:16am |
127 | 2-Oct-13 | 11:17am | 11:49am |
128 | 2-Oct-13 | 2:05pm | 2:08pm |
129 | 2-Oct-13 | 2:49pm | 3:00pm |
130 | 3-Oct-13 | 10:38am | 10:45am |
131 | 5-Oct-13 | 6:08pm | 6:14pm |
132 | 6-Oct-13 | 2:33am | 2:41am |
133 | 6-Oct-13 | 12:35pm | 12:37pm |
134 | 6-Oct-13 | 2:16pm | 2:19pm |
135 | 8-Oct-13 | 3:01pm | 7:22pm |
136 | 9-Oct-13 | 6:58am | 7:02am |
137 | 9-Oct-13 | 2:33pm | 2:42pm |
138 | 9-Oct-13 | 7:41pm | 7:50pm |
139 | 10-Oct-13 | 12:58pm | 12:58pm |
140 | 11-Oct-13 | 11:32am | 11:33am |
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